Your individual AI Assistant

Say Hi to your personal AI Assistant!
Your clever helper is trained on your business data and knows your operations inside and out! It knows your market and your competitors and can give you real time advice on the next strategic move!
Imagine you have a business and marketing expert on your side, who has the knowledge of a top tier business graduate and the experience of a top consultant after leading projects at a top consultancy for 15 years!
And the best part: You can forget about the generic ChatGPT answers. Your assistant only give you advice which is tailored to YOUR business!

Connect your automations!
Your personal assistant can be connected to all your tools and apps. That means you can run your business with one click.
Developing a marketing strategy and creating SEO optimized Blog posts and Social Media Posts based on that strategy? No problem!
Identifying new potential customers, adding their data into your CRM and sending out personalized E-Mails to them? All ready for you!
The use cases for your clever helper in combination with AI Automations are endless.
Your Business on autopilot is not a dream anymore! We help you every step on the way.